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VOICE Partial Scholarship: Three Questions for Heidi Liu

Heidi Liu, Strategy/PMO China Manager at Audi AG used the VOICE partial scholarship to complete the Executive MBA Business & IT at the Technical University of Munich. She pursued this Executive MBA in her free time alongside her professional activity between 2020 and 2023. To finance her studies Heidi benefitted from the cooperation that our Executive MBA in Business & IT program has with VOICE and received a partial scholarship.

VOICE got in touch with Heidi after finalizing her program to ask her three questions:

How did you find out about the VOICE grant?

Liu: On the one hand, there was a reference to the VOICE scholarship on the website of the Executive MBA program, on the other hand, I found another letter about it in Moodle, the central learning platform of the TUM.

Besides the financial support, what are the biggest advantages of the VOICE partial scholarship?

Liu: I was most excited about the weekly CIO exchange sessions. Exciting guest speakers will be invited there. The topics range from cybersecurity in practice to digital innovations and project presentations, e.g. I received the VOICE Best Data Project Award. I think it’s important to learn something new every day, regardless of whether it’s related or unrelated.

What would you recommend to your successors on the VOICE scholarship?

Liu: Use the offers as much as possible and expand your network through the events.

Brief information on the VOICE partial scholarship:

With this program, the VOICE Federal Association of IT Users e.V. and its subsidiary, VOICE – CIO Service GmbH, would like to support young executives and experienced managers from the member companies. This includes tools such as monetary support as well as commitment within the association through participation in events or participation in working groups or projects. We wish for a high level of identification with the values lived in the association and expect a continued connection and mutual support even after the end of the program. Read more on the VOICE Partial Scholarship here.

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