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EMBAmbassador Series: Gerardo Ayala

Like Gerardo Ayala, take the first step into your leadership journey at the interface of technology and business and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.

Gerardo Ayala
Executive MBA in Business & IT
Class of 2024

A career in a high-technological field like Data Science often faces unusual challenges building a promotional bridge into the management role. That’s why french IT specialist Gerardo Ayala only took on the Executive MBA after two years of thorough research for the perfect match to his ambitions. He shares his insights on how this decision shaped his career trajectory.

Gerardo Ayala, Head of Offer Data Engineering, Data Science and Innovation at Amadeus, looked particularly for a degree that could further support him in expanding his profound knowledge in IT, while preparing him for his further career in a leading position in his field of expertise.

The Executive MBA in Business & IT met his needs of evolving his leadership skills and entrepreneurial knowledge within the framework of the technology focused Industry and IT. He wanted to challenge himself profoundly to a personal and professional transformation to confidently take on the next step on the career ladder. Having succeeded young with his leading role as Head of Offer at Amadeus already before his 40th birthday, he wouldn’t accept less than the best education possible. TUM’s excellent reputation in research and education and the program’s accreditation and international recognition convinced him finally.

One of the most significant benefits Ayala took into consideration was the flexibility the schedule offered him to maintain his work and personal life in the south of France. It also helped him develop competencies in problem-solving, collaboration and decision-making by applying knowledge directly into his day-to-day-job at Amadeus and testing new approaches and perspectives. “We all know that priorities can quickly change, the program flexibility allowed me to re-organize some of the modules to cope with the changing environment at the office (and at home).  In other words: Just the perfect fit! It is like the program was tailored for the challenges I was facing module after module.”, he highlights the importance for his decision.

This flexibility didn’t only provide him with educational moments and a spark in creation, but also increased his value for his company and improved his interactions with inhouse marketing as well as other business domains. This already translated into an inhouse promotion to a senior key position in a strategic area.

Like Gerardo Ayala, take the first step into your leadership journey at the interface of technology and business and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.

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