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EMBAmbassador Series: Fabrizio Nisi Alcântara

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Fabrizio Nisi Alcântara
Executive MBA in Business & IT
Class of 2023

Fabrizio Nisi Alcântara, Senior Category Portfolio Manager Xcelerator Ecosystem & Marketplace at Siemens Global Chief Strategy and Technology Office, already worked ten years in his field when he decided to do the Executive MBA degree in Business & It. He talks about how setting a focus on a broad spectrum of personal and professional development can be the perfect match for even an established career.

While sometimes the economy is rapidly changing, Fabrizio Nisi Alcântara is one of those people who can hardly be rattled. In ten years he built a career in IT at top-level companies such as Siemens and gained experience on the technical side as well as in terms of team leading and project management. He then decided to broaden his skills and professional horizon by expanding the management side of his work.

Alcântara made the decision to attend the Executive MBA in Business & IT program at TUM as well-considered and thoroughly researched as he approaches all of his projects. After evaluating a couple of other german business schools, the convincing aspect was the implementation of his key areas IT and digitization providing him with not only management skills, economic knowledge and business challenges but development in his workfield expertise: “I decided to apply for the TUM because it was one of very few programs with academic and executive focus on business, information technology and digital transformation. For me this was the perfect match to achieve my personal goal: to stay competitive on the market while gaining a deeper understanding of many relevant perspectives and topics.”

Especially the opportunity to enhance his network internationally appealed to Alcântara: “The program offers a hybrid and diverse environment with peers from every corner of the world (Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia-Pacific) and a wide range of both age and experience. The Executive MBA experience enables me to connect, learn, exchange, and grow alongside a group of talented professionals. The exposure to colleagues coming from different industries and working for market leaders is definitely a great opportunity I am benefiting from during my program. I am also able to bring those connections back to work, unveiling synergies on new business opportunities and best practices.”

He values high quality in his work field as well as in his learning environment. Therefore he sees a tremendous benefit in the connection with the guest speakers in each module, who hold senior management positions in top-ranked companies and share their learning journey, insights and the challenges in real business contexts.

Beyond the academic and practice oriented content, the module structure of the Executive MBA degree allowed Alcântara to balance his job at Siemens with his studies and also his personal life. The recommended study schedule provided him with guidance on how to structure the modules, the assignments, the study trip abroad and the final thesis without restricting other priorities or commitments.

As an additional benefit, Alcântara was able to transfer the acquired knowledge to his current employer and day-to-day-work while he was still completing the Executive MBA program. That enabled him to apply state-of-the-art executive methodologies to the challenges he was confronted daily in his work field, but also to act as a multiplier for his colleagues, making progress for the department as a whole.

Like Fabrizio Nisi Alcântara, take the first step into your digital transformation journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.

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