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EMBAmbassador Series: Dr. Ariane C. Böhm

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Dr. Ariane C. Böhm
Executive MBA in Business & IT
Class of 2024

With a PhD in neuroscience and an Executive MBA from TUM, Dr. Ariane C. Böhm combines best of both worlds: technical expertise and strategic vision. Her bridge between academia and a leading role in a consulting company is inspiring – and for her, inspiration is key.

Before continuing her learning journey at TUM, Dr. Böhm had already established a significant career in life sciences. The intense academic training in neuroscience and bioinformatics enhanced her analytical thinking – skills she now leverages in her consulting career. In her current role as Manager, Dr. Böhm guides clients through complex data-driven analyses and digital transformation processes. She oversees the implementation of advanced IT solutions and cloud architecture, which often requires to overcome technical and strategic challenges, but results in fostering a strong client relationship.

Dr. Böhm’s view on leadership is modern – and is inspired by ancient Greece: “My philosophies are rooted in ideas such as those of Perikles, that true impact is measured “not by what is engraved in stone monuments, but by what is woven into the lives of others”. I believe in leadership that inspires, empowers, and leaves a lasting positive influence on people and communities.” A philosophy she lives by, as she is frequently involved in initiatives like the Girls’ Day and youth events to an academic career in STEM, showcasing her dedication to encouraging young interested folk to pursue their dreams.

When Dr. Böhm decided to enroll in a higher-education program, she chose to return to her Alma Mater to pursue the Executive MBA in Business & IT at TUM’s business school. “TUM always had this unique integration of business and IT with its broad network of alumni and professionals in business as well as academia. The program’s reputation for its commitment to practical, real-world applications of theoretical knowledge were crucial in my decision. As such it covers a broad range of topics: strategy, corporate governance, IT security, leadership, and a strong emphasis on exchange and hands-on learning.”

The most valuable gain during her Executive MBA is the understanding of how critical the role of adaptability in leadership is and how this shaped her professional future: “My goals are to further develop as a motivational leader, drive innovative and transformative business strategies together with our clients, and cultivate a culture of ethical leadership and continuous improvement.”

When asked how she would define her learning journey during the program in her own words, Dr. Böhm reflects on the ancient greek philosopher Aristoteles: “Emphasizing on the pursuit of happiness and knowledge through intellectual virtues, ethical refinement and observation. The program has provided a meaningful collection of theoretical insights with practical applications, as well as exchange and networking options with a broad range of professionals fostering both growth and personal fulfillment. It has been a journey of continuous learning, and encouraged a balanced and thoughtful approach to leadership and life.”

Like Dr. Ariane C. Böhm, take the first step into your interdisciplinary journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.

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