Operations & Supply Chain Management

Sprache: English
Ort: munich, remote
Dauer: 5 days in 1 week
Start: 2025
Kosten: 3.290 €
A company’s operations and its management of its supply chain, both internally and externally, are critical success factors in today´s globalized and risk-prone business environments. The rapid changes in global marketplaces, sourcing, communications, and digitalization require companies to optimize and tailor their operations to support their overall competitive strategy by managing the flow of products, information, and funds to maximize the value for the entire system. Today’s turbulent environments make resilient supply chains more critical than ever. This certificate program will familiarize participants with the basics of operations and supply chain management.

Prepare your operations and supply chain management for the future:

A relevant topic for every business manager and company
The rapid changes in global marketplaces, sourcing, communications, and digitalization require companies to optimize and tailor their operations to support their overall competitive strategy by managing the flow of products, information, and funds to maximize the value for the entire system.

Combining evidence-based research and practical input
Professors and researchers from TUM and our partners provide the academic knowledge, while industry experts share valuable practical insights. This course is designed as an active-learning module and will combine lectures, case studies (e.g. from software industry, food or luxury goods), simulation games (e.g. distribution, management) and group work.

Applying the knowledge right away
Participants will learn to think analytically in order to successfully apply their knowledge and technical expertise acquired during the course to solve a variety of real business problems.

With this certificate program you can earn 5 ECTS that are applicable to the Executive MBA programs at the Technical University of Munich.

Application form

Register here and learn for your life


Develop sustainable and scientifically sound knowledge for your operational and supply chain management.



Focus on supply chains

A company’s operations and supply chain management, both internally and externally, are critical success factors in today’s globalized and risky business environment.



Identifiy your opportunities

Learn how to optimize your competitive strategy and sustainably align your supply chains and operational processes.



Research with Practice

Apply evidence-based knowledge from research directly to specific practical applications. Exchange ideas with your fellow students and expand your professional network.

Program Overview

You can find all the important information about the certificate program here. Below you can find out the objectives of the program, the exact details of the process, what you will learn and which lecturers will teach you the content.


  • Prof. Dr. Martin Grunow

    Supply chain management is more important than ever. Ensuring the resilience of supply, production, and distribution is on top of the agenda of most companies. Efficient operations are key to achieving profitability. Augmenting profit with envivonmental and social objectives of in the management of value creation networks progresses sustainability. Our program equips you to address these challenges.

    Prof. Dr. Martin Grunow
    Head of Production and Supply Chain Management Group, TUM


Technical University of Munich & TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Attocube – Wittenstein Group
Rohde & Schwarz
Volkwagen Data Lab
Parity QC
QU Tools
Toptica Photonicsy QC
  • Your contact

    Silvia Hagn
    Team Lead Certificate & Customized Programs
    Get in touch
    Silvia Hagn

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