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EMBAmbassador Series: Susanne Wennekers
How would Susanne Wennekers describe her experience in TUM's Executive MBA program? “Joyful, enlightening – and challenging, in the best way”.

Unlocking Success: We won the 2024 EFMD Excellence in Practice Silver Award in the category “Professional Development”
The EFMD Excellence in Practice Awards honor outstanding partnerships in the fields of leadership, professional, talent, and organizational development. Together with our partner TÜV SÜD, we are delighted to have won the Silver Award in Professional Development. The Award recognizes this extraordinary partnership with learning & development impact.

“Leadership Matters” – the podcast series for good leadership
Most people have a pretty good idea of what bad leadership looks like. But what makes a good leader? Are good leaders born or is “leader material” something that we learn throughout our careers? Why bother taking another leadership training?

Behavioral economics: more sustainability at home and at work
Many New Year's resolutions may include the desire to make daily life more sustainable - both from a personal and professional aspect. What exactly does this mean? And what steps can be helpful in changing your own behavior? In this interview with Prof. Dr. Goerg, you will gain insights into research from the field of behavioral economics and the key topic of sustainability.

How does ecological building support the transformation of our cities? Interview with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang
In November 2022, the certificate program “Ecological Building” will start for the first time at the Technical University of Munich. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang, who holds the professorship for energy-efficient building and planning at TUM, has taken the lead in…