
  • Unkategorisiert

    EMBAmbassador Series: Susanne Wennekers

    How would Susanne Wennekers describe her experience in TUM's Executive MBA program? “Joyful, enlightening – and challenging, in the best way”.

  • Digital Transformation

    Interview: Strategic Legal Innovation - what can you expect from the new certificate program?

    A pilot program for the legal sector: The new certificate program Strategic Legal Innovation - Adapting to Technological Disruption intertwines the topics of innovation, business models and the application of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence in the legal profession.

  • Blog, EMBA Ambassadors, Executive MBA in Business & IT

    EMBAmbassador Series: Christopher Copony

    Like Christopher Copony, take the first step on your intercultural economic journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.

Category Executive MBA