EMBAmbassador Series: Susanne Wennekers

How would Susanne Wennekers describe her experience in TUM's Executive MBA program? “Joyful, enlightening – and challenging, in the best way”.
EMBAmbassador Series: Christopher Copony

Like Christopher Copony, take the first step on your intercultural economic journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.
EMBAmbassador Series: Dr. Ariane C. Böhm

Like Dr. Ariane C. Böhm, take the first step into your interdisciplinary journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.
EMBAmbassador Series: Arizona Berdynaj

Like Arizona Berdynaj, take the first step into your leadership journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.
EMBAmbassador Series: Mandy Deimel

Like Mandy Deimel, take the first step into your intercultural economic journey and learn more about the Executive MBA today.
EMBAmbassador Serie: Dan Burns

Like Dan Burns, take the first step into your entrepreneurial journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Innovation & Business Creation today.
EMBAmbassador Series: Gerardo Ayala

Like Gerardo Ayala, take the first step into your leadership journey at the interface of technology and business and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.
EMBAmbassador Series: Adrian Schomburg

Like Adrian Schomburg, take the first step into your new work journey and learn more about the Executive MBA today.
EMBAmbassador Series: Samira Scheerer

Like Samira Scheerer, take the first step into your groundbreaking journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Innovation & Business Creation today.
EMBAmbassador Series: Fabrizio Nisi Alcântara

Like Fabrizio Nisi Alcântara, take the first step into your digital transformation journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.