Advanced Education for Executives and Professionals.

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) offers you ideal conditions for lifelong learning.

Our advanced education programs are tailored to the needs of professionals and range from short one-day workshops and certifications with industry standard to full academic master’s degrees awarded by the Technical University of Munich. Individual leadership development programs, flexible online formats, and customized programs for organizations are also part of TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning’s advanced education offerings. Grow with us!

Master MBA

Our study program for executives and professionals.

Certificate Programs

Wide range of advanced training opportunities for professionals.

For Organizations

Tailor-made offers for companies and international universities.

Find the Right Program for you.

Our Program Finder gives you a quick and easy overview of all programs and allows you to select according to your preferences.

Four Reasons to choose the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning

Utilize the TUM ecosystem, benefit from the university’s entrepreneurial mindset, and connect cutting-edge findings from research, technology advancement, and practical applications.



Unite Research and Practice.

TUM is a pioneer in the development of new technologies and a leader in the natural and social sciences. From medicine to management and leadership – TUM’s research centers cover the entire range of continuing education disciplines. We draw on their knowledge and transfer cutting-edge research to the needs of people and organizations in the real world.
Die TUM ist Vorreiterin in der Entwicklung neuer Technologien und führend in den Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Von Medizin über Management bis hin zu Leadership – die Forschungszentren der TUM decken die gesamte Bandbreite der Weiterbildungsdisziplinen ab. Wir schöpfen aus ihrem Wissen und übertragen Spitzenforschung auf die Bedürfnisse von Menschen und Organisationen aus der Praxis.



Foster a Responsible Mindset.

The content, teaching and design of our programs are shaped by a value-oriented approach – and follow our conviction that only with a responsible mindset can we effectively and sustainably overcome current and future challenges in our society
Inhalte, Lehre und Design unserer Programme sind von einem werteorientierten Ansatz geprägt – und folgen unserer Überzeugung: Nur mit einer verantwortungsbewussten Denkweise lassen sich aktuelle und zukünftige Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft effektiv und nachhaltig bewältigen.



Use the Potential of Technology-Enhanced Learning.

At TUM, we develop and integrate the latest technology-enhanced teaching and learning methods within our further education programs. Always having the goals of our participants in mind, we follow a learning approach that is both structured and individualized to help them reach their full potential.
At TUM, we develop and integrate the latest technology-enhanced teaching and learning methods within our further education programs. Always having the goals of our participants in mind, we follow a learning approach that is both structured and individualized to help them reach their full potential.



Profit from an excellent international network.

TUM has a unique network: the university works together with leading research institutions, renowned companies and pioneering start-ups. In our continuing education programs, we promote interdisciplinary exchange and network our participants and alumni with partners from academia and industry.
TUM has a unique network: the university works together with leading research institutions, renowned companies and pioneering start-ups. In our continuing education programs, we promote interdisciplinary exchange and network our participants and alumni with partners from academia and industry.

One of Germany’s best universities

The Technical University of Munich regularly ranks among the top universities in Germany and Europe in national and international rankings, such as the Shanghai Ranking, QS, THE, and the Global Employability Ranking.

What our Alumni say

  • Lifelong learning does not end with the completion of a degree or continuing education program. Through our association, we maintain contacts, renew our knowledge in the spirit of lifelong learning and thus create inspiration for new concepts.

    Arndt Kresin
    Executive MBA | 1st Chairperson of the Board
  • The Executive MBA program at the TUM has been extremely helpful in boosting my career path. Through the program, I increased and solidified my business knowledge in many aspects and improved my self-assessment and leadership skills. This brought me to the next level within the firm.

    Fiore Cappelletto
    Class of 2021
  • Graduates from this program will be well prepared for a wide range of professional activities to introduce innovation and to lead transformation. If you want to be an expert in topics such as digital transformation, workplace learning or research in VET or if you want to gain insights into the German dual system – come and join our unique program.

    Prof. Dr. Daniel Pittich
    Assistant Professorship for Technical Education
  • Venture capital and private equity are rather difficult sectors to access. It is tricky to understand the details and the mechanisms behind the scenes without talking to experienced professionals. The CPEA’s multi-faceted approach not only provides academic analysis of the industry as a whole, but also sheds light on the complex construct from a practitioner’s perspective.

    Philip Schultheiß
    Principal, AM Ventures
  • During my studies, I was able to understand what type of leader I am and how to make a real impact on my team and my stakeholders. Most importantly, I learned how to support my team members, help them grow and become the best version of themselves.

    Yomna ElFaramawy
    Class of 2021
  • The course contributed an important boost to personal growth, and a path to new relationships. It exposed me to a rich combination of the science and practice of brewing. Engaging on-line presentations were followed by two, intensive, on-site sessions of three days each.

    John Chapman
    Venture Capitalist and Hobby Brewer (Participant Brewer Course 2022/2023)
  • The content of the course is different from what you learn in a normal computer science course. It’s good to learn new things. It’s also good that we can learn at our own pace at edX!

    Former course participant Fundamentals of Communication Acoustics
  • The most valuable gains from the program came from its rich program content delivered by outstanding professors and guest speakers. Strategic business management, innovation, financials, business ethics and personal development are now key in my role as a leader and coach. The mentoring program aspect of the Executive MBA has been a great addition to sharpen the strategic aspects of my professional and personal life.

    Guido Brinkmann
    Class of 2022
  • The covered topics were perfect for me as someone coming from another professional field. Exactly the right mix of praxis relevant information for the daily brewing process, but also with a solid foundation of science to help to truly understand the entire process. The lectures were all well prepared, very competent and engaged with great passion. The organization was perfect, as was the atmosphere during the course.

    Dr. Matthias Dreyer
    Chemical Engineer and Owner of a Microbrewery (Participant Brewer Course 2022/23)
  • Functional integration, resource conservation, lightweight construction and highly complex component designs – these features characterize additive manufacturing processes. Consequently, additive manufacturing processes are ideal technologies for sustainable and green production. In order to be able to leverage this sustainability potential, an in-depth understanding of the manufacturing processes is essential.

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katrin Wudy
    Professorship Laser-based Additive Manufacturing, TUM School of Engineering and Design
  • Excellent structuring, very original tasks!

    Former participant of the course
  • One of the most valuable and rewarding experiences during the Executive MBA program has been being able to expand my professional network with extraordinary people from across industries, and different disciplines. I was able to gain new insights from their diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.

    Silvia Hilpert
    Graduate Executive MBA (Class of 2022)
  • Global concerns for future work emphasize the vital role of vocational education. This master’s degree is an excellent opportunity to connect with students and experts worldwide and discuss the impact of technological and digital transformation on VET and innovative training for industry professionals. SENAI finances my studies, considering my participation strategic for our future. I am pleased to participate in this course.

    Luiz Eduardo Leao
    Manager of Educational Technologies, SENAI . Brazilian Service for Industrial Training
  • Access to knowledge and personal development are now more important than ever to ensure the success of a company. That is why I am happy to support any form of continuing education, also in our Alumni Association.

    Susanne Mader
    Executive MBA | 3rd Chairperson & Treasurer
  • Not only did this specialization teach me the proper techniques of accounting and the different methods of preparing an income statement, it also taught me how to learn independently, how to persevere with a problem to find ways of solving it, and perhaps most significantly, enabled me to continue to develop my accounting skills.

    Former Participant in the Specialization
  • The BIM Professional certification course is characterized by the very high quality of the lecturers and thus the content taught. It was possible to cover the entire range of Building Information Modeling topics from practical application examples to the latest innovative research results in the content of the certification course.

    Mischa G.
    DB Netz AG – Major projects RB Ost, Berlin
  • The exercises were very comprehensible and foolproof, just the way you should have them at the beginning.

    Former participant of the course
  • Wood as a material offers enormous design potential for architecture and engineering. It can be used in a wide variety of ways. What fascinates me about wood is not only the aesthetic expression of the material, but also the special tectonics and the precision of digital production methods.

    Prof. Stephan Birk
    Dipl.-Ing. Architekt BDA, Professor for Architecture and Timber Construction, TUM
  • Even though I am studying acoustics, this online course was a good addition. It was always very interesting as I was able to dive into some topics a bit deeper than in my previous (non-virtual) courses. My knowledge on some topics became more solid and detailed.

    Former course participant Applications in Communication Acoustics
  • Munich Aerospace’s course “Space Safety” provides a multifaceted overview of the field. I enjoyed learning more about the topics of space weather, space medicine, and cyber security. I found that very interesting and enriching.

    Previous Learner

Info Sessions


Jan | 2025
17:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Info Session | Sustainable Innovation & Entrepreneurship


Jan | 2025
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

On-Site Evening Info Session

During the event, our EMBA program managers will tell you all about our three Executive MBA programs.

News Insights

  • News, Technology

    Siemens Technology x TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning Podcast Series 

    How can academia and industry come together to tackle the technological challenges of today and tomorrow? Siemens Technology and the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning explore this in their groundbreaking podcast series. Join us as we dive deep into the cutting-edge developments in research and innovation, celebrating the launch of the Siemens Technology Center on […]

  • Blog, EMBA Ambassadors, Executive MBA in Business & IT

    EMBAmbassador Series: Christopher Copony

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  • Blog, EMBA Ambassadors, Executive MBA in Business & IT

    EMBAmbassador Series: Dr. Ariane C. Böhm

    Like Dr. Ariane C. Böhm, take the first step into your interdisciplinary journey and learn more about the Executive MBA in Business & IT today.

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