Design your business
at TUM Campus Heilbronn

  • German
  • Heilbronn
  • Blended
  • Dates on request
  • 5 weeks
  • 1200 €, Discounts available

From the idea to a company

The foundation of one’s own start-up has been an accepted career path for a long time: our course targets all entrepreneurs who are considering starting their own business and who have already gained professional experience in a conventional work environment.
All process steps from customer analysis to storytelling and pitch training are covered.
Complex topics are explained in an easy and understandable way and different methods like Design Thinking and Lean Start-up are explained and analyzed.
Different types of financing such as Crowdfunding are discussed and tried out. Through the combination of theory and practice, the ability and mindset for any form of innovation is laid.
With many modern tools and instruments, the participants will learn how to work out any business idea in a vivid way. At the end of the seminar, participants will have the chance to present their work in front of an expert jury and receive valuable feedback.

In the course, participants study the foundations and theories of establishment processes based on their own idea (may be developed together).
The idea brainstorming in the ideation workshop ensures that all participants can work on their own concrete idea during the seminar.
The presence days at the TUM Campus Heilbronn guarantee a motivating start and conclusion of the seminar as well as the opportunity to network. The virtual format with only one fixed weekly evening date in between, offers the opportunity to organize one’s individual further education as independently as possible and to integrate it well into one’s (work) life.

In addition, participants can benefit from a Practice Module, which is offered in cooperation with our partner Campus Founders. Following the Foundation Seminar, the participants are accompanied and supported in their start-up formation over a period of three months by practice-oriented coaching (6 individual appointments). At the same time, they can make further valuable contacts in the start-up community by being integrated into the Campus Founders network.

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  • Provider: Die TUM Campus Heilbronn gGmbH
  • Academic Director: Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar
  • Target group: Entrepreneurs and future founders looking for a well-founded basic course that not only imparts theoretical knowledge, but also provides practical experience in the implementation of their own idea. A mature own idea is not necessary to start the course, but can be worked on during the course.
  • Program Fee: Fundation Seminar: 1,200 €
    Practice Module: 800 €* (optionally bookable; The offer can only be booked in combination with the five-week foundation seminar)
    If booked together: Foundation Seminar + Practice Module: 1,690 €*
    10% discount for TUM Alumni
  • Language: German
  • Certificate: Certificate of attendance
  • Location & Format: Blended-learning (at TUM Campus Heilbronn and virtually)
  • Dates: Fundation Seminar:
    Dates on request

    Practice Module:
    Following the Fundaction Seminar, dates will be arranged individually
  • Requirements: None

*Based on our experience, the German tax benefits help many of our participants to self-finance their education as these can be worth of up to 50% of tuition fees and program related travel costs. Please, consult your personal tax advisor for more details. For participants of our programs residing outside Germany this might be applicable, please check the situation with the local tax authorities in your country of residence.

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Foundation Seminar

  • Ideation-Workshop (Idea-Brainstorming & Netzworking)
  • Business Model
  • Customer- and Competitor Analysis
  • Meaning of MVPs and Hypotheses
  • Marketing, Financials und Next steps
  • Pitch session in front of an expert jury and joint conclusion of the seminar

Practice Module

Practice-oriented coaching and integration into the Campus Founders network

  • 2 x coaching per month
  • Access to Campus Founders mentor network
  • Participation in Campus Founders events and methodology workshops
  • Access to Campus Founders community
  •  Program duration: 3 months


Subject to change without notice

Dr. Katharina Willis, TUM

Dr. Katharina Willis has many years of experience in start-up and innovation management and has already successfully accompanied a large number of companies in the start-up phase. Moreover, she also anchored the intrapreneurship spirit in already established companies.


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Our participation and cancellation policy can be found here.

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On-campus courses and Covid-19

We look forward to resuming our on-campus Certificate Programs within the first months of 2022 and to welcoming many of our participants in person. However, we will continue to follow safety-measures and restrictions introduced to help combat the Covid-19 pandemic. This may require that we deliver some modules in a virtual or blended format. We will ensure registered participants are kept informed about any changes required and will strive to provide a safe environment and a seamless learning experience. If you have any questions about the current situation, please do not hesitate to contact one of our program managers.

Would you like to take part in the program?

Please note that the program is taught in German.

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Caroline Hoffmann
Division Director Continuing Education Heilbronn

49 7131 26418 305
Caroline Hoffmann

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